Posts by Dr Gaines

Losing Gains If You Don’t Eat?

If you’ve been following my blog, you would know that I always emphasize and stress on nutrition. If you aren’t eating enough to build those muscles, nothing is going to happen. You’re going to be crunching out reps after reps, and becoming disappointed with your results. Your strength may not go up, weight may stay the same or you may end up losing (not in a good way), or any other type of discouraging act.

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Back in the day, we all just assumed that jumping on a cardio machine of our choice and putting it on, was all that we needed to lose body fat. I mean it did make sense, just do more physical activity than you’re accustom to and your body is suppose to just lose body fat from the excess energy that’s required to perform those said activities. But did you know there are two different forms of cardio, that tend to do two separate things. So you have to wonder, which one is best for me?

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How much protein is too much protein

Protein is a very important macronutrient (the others are; carbohydrates and fats), when it comes to a fitness lifestyle. For anyone who is interested in building muscle, consuming at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is recommended. The logic behind this is that, your lean muscle mass is no where near 1g/lb of body weight, so consuming around that will be over that amount and provide your body with the essential amino acids that it needs to build your muscle mass.

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Why Using Fat For Energy Works

Recently I spoke about low carbohydrate diets and that the only concern one should have is the development of high levels of ketone bodies in the system, and in fact the brain can utilize ketone bodies as a form of energy. Not only that, but low carbohydrate diets or any diet in fact that causes you to utilize your stored form of fat as energy, is a very efficient way of producing energy in the body and also a very brilliant way of shedding all of that extra body fat!

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Carb Cycling Part 1

I am not going to mix words, or try to keep information away from you when it comes to carb cycling, because this isn’t an easy or enjoyable eating protocol. It’s something that requires a lot of dedication and meal planning. But, the lovely thing about carb cycling, is that it works. It allows you to shed a ton of body fat in a small period of time and in the long run, provide you the body you’ve always been looking for, whether it’s the fitness model physique or bodybuilder physique.

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Juices Count

It’s sometimes a fighting battle when it comes to this competition we call fat loss. Through the basics, we shed some body fat while building or retaining muscles, depending on where in the training hierarchy you fall. But one of the best ways to lose weight, is to count your calories. Knowing exactly how much calories one is consuming, helps to keep their weight loss program on track.

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The Meal Timing Myth

So, in this post, I want to focus on the idea of “meal timing”. A lot of newbies to the fitness community, ask me a lot of questions on when to eat what, and if this should be eaten before or after training, or if they should eat carbohydrates after 6 pm, etc. All of those aforementioned things, will be focused on individually in time, but the important thing is that this list of questions in regards to this whole concept of “meal timing”, can be never ending. Aside from that, the question is warranted because a lot of supplement companies or even supplement store clerks, will advise their customers to consume their product a certain amount of minutes after their workout. The way it’s also brought across, it makes the newcomer to the fitness community a little anxious if they do not consume this meal or supplement, within the time it recommends on the product.

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How To Treat Wrist Tendonitis

Tendinitis of any kind, can really hinder your training and can be a depressing injury to acquire but I am just going to be honest here and straight forward, that if you are serious about weight lifting or any type of physical activity, you will experience some form of tendinitis.

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Myofibrillar Hypertrophy

In the community of weight lifters, there are two types; bodybuilders and power lifters. The latter group focuses more on strength gains and sometimes disregards aesthetics, or physical appearance for those gains. The former group is focused on sculpting the body, to that of a Greek god.

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High Intensity Interval Training – HITT

High Intensity Interval Training, is an awesome way to lose fat. Actually, it’s the most effective way to lose body fat, contrary to what you may think. Yes, walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes, will inevitably lead you to lose body fat if you’re caloric intake is on a deficit, but why not cut that time in half, if you can?

I am going to just talk about why HIIT works, and why you should use it every now and in then in your workout and routine, towards losing weight efficiently.

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